Christian Clothing Funding
Company: CrossWear Clothing 
Investment Needed: $50,000 
Industry: Retail 
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota 
Post by: Brian Terry 
Post date: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 
Year Founded: 2014 
Legal Status: LLC 
Business Stage: Pre-Launch/Planning 
Annual Sales: $250k or Less 
Funding Request Description: I have been prompted to start a Christian clothing company. There is a very small market for this, and I feel like the quality and design of the current market competitors is under par. Clothing with crosses has begun to be more contemporary but my vision is to enhance the quality, design of the clothing but to also incorporate more creative and well thought design to also bring the cross back to what it represents. Jesus Christ. Depending on the rate of growth of the company, I would then start a non profit partner company specifically to fund churches in need and different ministries.