Education Matters...

... OK, so we all can name a handful of guys that made it big as entrepreneurs without a formal education.  Guys like Bill Gates and Michael Dell.  But let's face it, those ten guys you can name are literally 10 in 6 billion.  For the rest of the real world, education matters, especially for the "employed" or those seeking "employment".  Check out these statistics from former Labor Secretary Robert Reich (I heard him speak at a conference earlier this week) about unemployment and education:
  • 9% -- Current national unemployment rate (but let's break that down by education level):
    • 5% -- Current unemployment rate for those with a college degree
    • 15% -- Current unemployment rate for those with a high school diploma
    • 30% -- Current unemployment rate for those without a high school diploma
    • (none of these figures count those that have given up and stopped looking, so the real percentages are higher in all categories)
What are you doing today to insure that you are educating yourself for a better tomorrow and to make a greater impact for Kingdom purposes?

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." -- Proverbs 1:7

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