Introducing the Venture Academy


Program Overview

The Venture Academy curriculum includes lectures, Harvard Business School case studies, and workshops on various topics including: sales, marketing, accounting, finance, business law, human resources, business planning, business communications, operations, technology, and service management -- all with a Biblical worldview.

The Basic Entrepreneurship Training Program

The Basic Entrepreneurship Training program is a 35+ hour intensive "mini-MBA" that covers a core entrepreneurial curriculum that includes lectures all of the topics above as well as vision-setting lectures, business planning workshops and seasoned entrepreneur panel presentations and discussions.

Students also read, analyze and participate in the classroom discussion of over a dozen Harvard Business School cases to drive home the lessons in a real-world setting of real leaders wrestling with real problems.

The Basic Entrepreneurship Training program is now available on demand at :

Learn at your own pace with an entire Basic Training Class experience with 35+ hours of premium business training in a subscription-based web streaming online HD video service with the Venture Academy content as well as links to many other learning and support resources for family business and entrepreneurship


Venture Academy students receive the highest-quality entrepreneurial education modeled after the Harvard MBA program with a curriculum that includes Harvard Business School case studies. The primary instructor is Wade Myers, the Venture Academy president. The Venture Academy faculty includes other Christian entrepreneurs, CPAs, attorneys, ministry leaders, and other lecturers and panelists.

    “I learned more from the Venture Academy than I did in my $35k MBA program. My family worked through the videos together and much of it applied to our publishing business and our training ministry.  We've come a long way since just last year.” — Chris J.

    “The quality of instruction and the level of organization was truly impressive!  I'm sure this will be  very beneficial…and a tremendous encouragement to me as I begin a family business...May God use your work and your family as a witness to inspire others in their pursuit of Godly vocations for their families.” — Paul F.

    “I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend last week with you at the Venture Academy.  The information provided was an incredible resource to me as I plan for launching my business.  The time and effort you put into making this opportunity available is very much appreciated.  I believe that your vision for equipping Christians to be entrepreneurial kingdom builders will have a tremendous multi-generational impact.  May God richly bless your labors as you seek to honor Him.” — Jason K.

    “I believe the Venture Academy benefited me in three main ways.  First, it broadened my vision for Christian entrepreneurship while encouraging me to step out and take risks.  Second, it provided a foundational framework of sound business concepts to build upon.  Third, it connected me to a network of likeminded entrepreneurs whose collective resources and capabilities are truly remarkable.  I have no doubt that I return from the Academy better equipped for service in Christ's kingdom.  Though still very much an entrepreneurial novice, I now have a much better idea of the right questions to ask and the areas in which to expand my knowledge.  I eagerly look forward to further training and discipleship opportunities from New Venture Lab.” — Joshua H.

    “I just want to say one more time how grateful I am for the opportunity to attend Venture Academy…it was a blessing beyond words…My family and I so appreciate your willingness to give of yourself to help train and teach…” — Kelly S.

    Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

    - subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


    Startup Financial Model Website

    The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay.