

Converting Intellectual Property Into Intellectual Profit: Lessons from India
It is one thing to be able to develop and secure Intellectual Property (IP) through iron-clad patents and the like, but it is quite another to profit from that IP.  We can all learn from the lessons of fleet-footed Indian firms as pointed out in the examples highlighted in the article below....
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Invention Agreements: A Potential Startup Killer
Looking to add an advisor to your startup's line up?  Be very careful in terms of any previous agreements an advisor is subject to... “Get advisers” is a common recommendation given to a startup company entrepreneur. However, entrepreneurs should use caution when selecting advisers for...
Top Ten Legal Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs
The last thing a fledgling business needs are legal problems.  As Christians, we would do well to heed the principle of scripture of settling disputes prior to being hauled before the court (Matthew 5:25 "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time...
Guest Blog: All About Patents
PATENT STRATEGIES FOR ENTREPRENEURS   BACKGROUND ON PATENTS   This analysis explores some recent globalization trends and historic changes in US patent law with special attention to possible impacts of these trends and changes upon independent inventors who may wish to consider getting...
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Provisional Patent Applications
Intellectual property is an important way for entrepreneurs to protect the value of their creations, but before rushing into filing a provisional patent application, be sure to bone up on the patent process to you know what you are getting into. This is a good article that outlines the...


Are Surety Bonds Biblical?
I have a lawn care business and I would like to provide landscaping services as well, but in my state I have to get licensed, insured and bonded in order to do that. When I called the insurance company they called the bond a surety bond. I wonder if that has anything to do with surety in...
How to Choose An Attorney
I am looking for an attorney in my area.  Specialty does not matter.  Do you have any recommendations? ...
Looking for an Intellectual Property Attorney
I have some intellectual property that I'd like to copyright or patent.  Can you send me some names and numbers?  I'd like for them to be close, but if they're out of state I guess we could work by phone.  Thank you so much and thanks for creating this website! ...
How to Negotiate a Licensing/Royalty Deal
I am about to enter into a licensing/royalty negotiation with a company that is interested in taking my idea to market.  I've read your Q&A post on Taking an Invention to Market and it was very helpful, but I am looking for more specifics on the actual agreement itself.  Any...
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Investors and Legal Entity Structure
I am thinking about raising equity and granting stock options, but I am currently organized as an LLC.  Any thoughts on that? ...
How to Patent a Game
I would like more information on how to patent and market a game I have invented.  I am specifically looking for a company that will market a provisional patent to potential buyers....
Inventor's Notebooks
What exactly is an "inventor's notebook", where can I get one and how do I use it to document my invention? ...
Sales and Installation Agreement
We are looking for a good solid sales and installation agreement for installing renewable energy systems in homes and businesses.  We have one we use now, but we are not happy with it.  I believe that a good contract is a good sales tool and an excellent customer service device, but I do...
Definition of Intellectual Property
What exactly is "intellectual property"? ...
Potential for Intellectual Property
What assets in my business have the potential to be turned into intellectual property?...
When to Patent vs. When to License
I am a design engineer that has created what I believe to be a revolutionary design, but I know very little about patenting the design, raising venture capital, building production capacity and ramping up a company.  What advice would you offer someone like me? ...
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Checklist: Due Diligence Checklist
Employee Policy Manual
Legal Template: Company Charter
Legal Template: Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)
Legal Template: Confidentiality Agreement - Employee (NDA)
Legal Template: Confidentiality Agreement - Mutual (NDA)
Legal Template: Deferred Bonus Plan
Legal Template: Employee Offer Letter
Legal Template: Employee Severance Agreement
Legal Template: Employee Termination Letter (Comprehensive)
Legal Template: Employee Termination Letter (Simple)
Legal Template: Executive Employment Agreement
Legal Template: Executive Term Sheet - Final
Legal Template: Executive Term Sheet - Initial
Legal Template: Indemnification Agreement
Legal Template: Investor Rights Agreement
Legal Template: Letter of Intent - Asset Purchase
Legal Template: Management Rights Letter
Legal Template: Non-Compete Agreement
Legal Template: Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement
Legal Template: Stock Purchase Agreement
Legal Template: Term Sheet
Legal Template: Voting Agreement


Top Patent Law Firms
Invention Statistics
Online Trademark Search
FAQs on ISBNs for Self Publishers of Books
Patents: Information Disclosure Statement - Timing Requirements
Patents: Information Disclosure Statement - Content Requirements
Copyright FAQs
Copyright Basics
Patent FAQs
Public Forum on Patents
U.S. Patent Office Website


Thomas Jefferson on Lawyers
It is the trade of lawyers to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour. - Thomas Jefferson, America's 3rd president...
Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise. (KJV)...
Proverbs 1:5
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels (KJV)...
Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. (KJV)...
Proverbs 20:18
Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war. (KJV)...

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Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.