Media and Events

Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions.

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course



New Venture Lab Member AgStrong Wins Whole Foods Supplier Award

I was pleased to get the call recently from New Venture Lab •••


Join Us in Birmingham for the Doing Business in the New Normal Conference

February 19, 2013 at the Cahaba Grand Conference Center in •••


How to Grow Your Business in a Downturn - Part 7

In our previous posts, we've talked about three tectonic shifts •••


Raising Small Amounts of Capital

One of the most frequent questions we get at New Venture •••


How to Grow Your Business in a Downturn - Part 6

In our previous posts, we've talked about three •••



How to Research an Industry

In the Venture Analysis videos in the Venture Academy, you •••


How to Understand an Income Statement

What expenses comprise the differences between the terms •••


Pastor Looking to Coach CEOs

I am a pastor looking to launch a CEO coaching service to help •••


Looking for Sponsor Company to Develop a Product Idea

I have an idea for a product that doesn't exist yet based •••


Problems with Family Employee Not Producing

I have watched the Venture Academy videos and I have •••



Questions for a new entrepreneur

All good points... •••


Three Rules for Entrepreneurs During Uncertainty

Very inspiring stories about how to approach a down economy as •••


App lets consumers wait in line remotely

Mobile app development continues at a rapid pace with lots of •••


Social Media's Impending Flood of Customer Unlikes

Good advice on how to handle social media... •••


Pivot or Persevere? The Key to Startup Success

Good advice... •••



SEILCHE Conference Presentations

This PDF document includes all four of the presentations given •••

Family Works: Inspiring Profiles of Family Business - Volume One

The Family Works Series Family Works is an exciting new DVD •••


U.S. Cloud Computing Strategy

A recent white paper written and released by the U.S. Chief •••

Top Patent Law Firms

An annual compilation of the largest patent law firms based upon •••

Invention Statistics

A good site for basic research on overall invention and •••

Online Trademark Search

This link is to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) •••

Business Valuation Calculator

This interactive site helps you calculate the value of any •••


Reliance on External Financing

Entrepreneurs rarely have the capital to see their ideas to •••


Which One Are You?

Some people make things happen, some watch things happen, •••


Steven Blank on Failure over and over, quickly, until you find a working •••


Richard Branson on Failure

If you don’t survive, just remember that most businesses fail •••


The Imprisonment of Fear

If you put fleas in a shallow container, they will rapidly jump •••


“This is incredible. I am overwhelmed at the quality and content on this site. As a Christian entrepreneur, I have read and looked at many sites on the subject of Business. This is the most exciting I have ever seen.” — Brad I.

“Thank you so much for creating New Venture Lab. The resources and wisdom you offer are valuable; I know God is using you to raise up godly men to be leaders.” — Grant W.

“We thank the Lord for your work, being very encouraged to see your vision and look forward to learning and hearing more.” — Robert D.

“Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy the content of your website and look forward to each new issue of the email newsletter.  I believe you must be on a mission from God, following a plan laid out by the Holy Spirit, because this whole thing, the New Venture Lab, everything, looks exactly like a move I believe God is preparing to move through in the Kingdom.” — Jeff K.

“New Venture Lab has increased my understanding in many aspects of entrepreneurial ventures. The Resources section has supplied me with excellent information and useful forms, the Network has provided a valuable connection in IP protection, and the Profiles have inspired and motivated me in a new venture.  May the Lord continue to richly bless you!” — Andrew Z.

“I just learned about your website yesterday and LOVE it! Thank you for you efforts to help Christian entrepreneurs...I love the vision of Christian entrepreurship with a goal of discipling my children more intentionally. Thanks for your ministry!” — Mark B.

Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions.