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The Most Important 30 Seconds of Any Sale

We've written before on the importance of an elevator pitch - that all important, fact-filled summarized statement of your product or service value proposition.  This article raises a few more points about the elevator pitch and an example of how it can be used effectively. The most •••

Quiz #3: Did This Business Plan Succeed?

Test your entrepreneurship skills.  Read through the profile below and try to determine whether or not you think this startup survived.  The outcome (or the current status) is shown below: The Idea: Concept: Inspired by the success of Southwest Airlines (nyse: LUV) and JetBlue •••

Tips on Making Decisions

Do you ever struggle with decision making?  If you are the leader of a large organization, do you sometimes feel that your subordinates are merely nodding politely instead of telling you like it really is?  According to research from Harvard Business School and a recent published •••

How Can Start Ups Grow?

If you are trying to bullet-proof your business to insure that you don't fall prey to the statistics that reveal a 90% failure rate, this interview with Harvard Business School professor Mukti Khaire is an interesting read.   Professor Khaire's research shows that new ventures that •••

Top Ten Legal Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

The last thing a fledgling business needs are legal problems.  As Christians, we would do well to heed the principle of scripture of settling disputes prior to being hauled before the court (Matthew 5:25 "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time •••

Turning High Potential into Real Reward

According to Harvard Business School professor Joseph Lassiter, an entrepreneur's ability to transform a high-potential venture into a high-performance venture depends on combining what, how, and who they know.  The article below features an interview with Professor Lassiter in •••

NVL Member Wins Design Competition

New Venture Lab member Andrew Zwart (see Andrew's VentureNetwork profile here) recently won an Ontario-wide Engineering Innovative Design Competition and will now advance to compete in the Canadian-wide competition.  He will also be entering a technical entrepreneurship •••

Banking 2.0: New Capital Connections For Entrepreneurs

I will be the first to admit that I do not like the use of debt, but this new business model for banking is fascinating (see the story below.)  Now, please don't rush out and sign up for a P2P (Person-to-Person) loan, but do take to heart the lessons here.  This new banking business model •••

Radical Design, Radical Results

Does your company design new products or services?  If so, what is your design strategy?  Launch and see; see and launch; or wait and see?  Why is it that companies that are successful "radical innovators" do not listen to users when it comes to design?  Innovative •••

Quiz #2: Did This Business Plan Succeed?

Test your entrepreneurship skills.  Read through the profile below and try to determine whether or not you think this startup survived.  The outcome (or the current status) is shown below: The Idea: Concept: A Web-based service that delivers groceries, dry cleaning, videos and other •••

Quiz #1: Did This Business Plan Succeed?

Test your entrepreneurship skills.  Read through the profile below and try to determine whether or not you think this startup survived.  The outcome (or the current status) is shown below: The Idea: Concept: Car dealerships want to move cars, but what they really want is to service •••

The Next Wave of Web-based Work Applications

In the next generation of technology, collaboration is king.  If you are tired of emailing around documents, presentations, spreadsheets and business plans with your colleagues, then the new "office 2.0" (think Web 2.0, but for your office) applications are for you: Office in a Cloud Why •••

The Problem with Multilevel Marketing

Periodically, I will get questions about multilevel marketing (MLM) and whether or not I recommend it as a business opportunity. For those of you that are unfamiliar with that term, other terms for this type of sales and marketing include network marketing and pyramid marketing -- think •••

Putting Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector

This is an interesting article that introduces a new case book authored by four Harvard Business School professors.  In the book, the authors probe the reasons why non-profits have been unable to solve many of society's worst ills despite the best of intentions and trillions of dollars worth •••

Sustainable and Unsustainable Trends

As you perform your business planning, whether you are planning a start-up or mulling over your annual plan for your existing business, consider the trends you see around you and attempt to determine whether they are a flash-in-the-pan fad (unsustainable trend) or whether they are trends with •••

Breakthrough Idea for 2008: P2P

In terms of breakthrough ideas for 2008, consider in your business planning how to take advantage of the peer-to-peer, or P2P, networks that are springing up and disrupting so many business models.  What started with music and spread to video and other content is now predicted to create havoc •••

Get Ready to Compete with Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India

Entrepreneurship has always fueled the American economy and has always added more jobs than corporate America has, but as the two world's largest populations catch the entrepreneurial bug (and as world markets become more and more global in nature), American entrepreneurs, as well as those in other •••

Ivy League Education Absolutely Free

As I've written before, the entire college and university system is completely outmoded in today’s wired world. The university construct with its aggregation of professors and libraries came into being due to the scarcity of books prior to the printing press when students traveled to the •••

The Problem with Being First

Those of us that participated in the craziness of the dot com days in the late 1990's through 2001 will no doubt recall that there was a rush to be first-to-market and launch your company quickly with the coveted "first-mover advantage" status.  Simply having that phrase in a venture capital •••

The Problem with Employees (Compared to Family Entrepreneurship)

If you have employees in your business or if you manage employees, you will know what I mean when I say that the current system of employing employees doesn't work very well -- especially when compared to a family business with a family working together.    In early American history •••

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Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.