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How Billionaire Michael Bloomberg Got Started

This is a great video of NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg explaining the early days of his billion-dollar company Bloomberg, a business and financial data services firm: •••

Crown Financial Ministries Launches New Magazine and New Strategic Relationship

"Do Well" Magazine Launch From the inaugural issue of Do Well magazine, Jim Henry, the Editor in Chief describes their goal: Our goal is to provide you the best possible advice in three key topic areas: personal finance, careers and business. Along with timely, practical information, we •••

Are You Selling Product or Are You Selling Stock?

As an entrepreneur, your most precious resource is your time and how you invest it. You can invest your time trying to get customers (by solving their problems) and/or you can invest your time trying to get investors. The more time you spend getting customers (selling your product), the less time •••

Tax Reform and the Law of Unintended Consequences

Politicians love to talk about tax reform, but real reform almost never actually happens.  Instead of real reform, we usually just get more of the same: additional rules added to our already bloated tax code that is estimated to stand at around 74,994 pages as of the election in 2012 and •••

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: The Truth about Jobs

Obama talks about creating “jobs”. Politicians love to promise more “jobs”.  Pundits worry about mergers destroying “jobs”.  Workers don’t want “jobs” to move overseas.  And on and on, ad nauseum.  But only entrepreneurs and growing companies can •••

A Lucid Explanation on the Cause of the Housing Crisis and the Current Economy

My undergrad degree was economics and I can vouch for the fact that academics do indeed push Keynesian policies even though they are a proven failure... •••

Words of Wisdom from Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz has done an amazing job of turning Starbucks around in the past few years since returning to the helm as CEO (the stock has risen from a low of $7.83 in late 2008 (the year of his return) to a current price of $40.35).  He chronicles that turnaround story in his recent •••

The Anatomy of a Successful Startup

This short video is an overview of one of my successful ventures with a discussion of the overall timeline, how the company was launched, the results to date, and a few lessons learned. •••

The Secret to Coming Up with the Big Idea

This short video explains the best way to come up with a breakthrough idea for a new business or new offering for an existing business: •••

NVL in the Media: From the Blogosphere

Renee Degroot discusses New Venture Lab and our Family Works video series on a blog post titled "The Family That Works" •••

The Nearly Impossible Ideal Company

The ideal company is one that...…has a seasoned, high-integrity, well-educated, entrepreneurial and fully-developed management team with excellent leadership and communications skills that have successfully built other companies together, have unmatched strategic, analytic, and financial •••

Training My Son for Entrepreneurial Success - Part 2

Day Two (a continuation of Training My Son for Entrepreneurial Success) The next day -- Saturday -- I accompanied Adam on his initial car washing outing to help him with quality, safety, and customer service. First, we headed to Home Depot where he invested in some supplies.  He must have •••

Training My Son for Entrepreneurial Success

Adam, my 9 year-old son, recently decided he needed to make money to buy a little scooter that he covets (although I'm hoping by the time he works hard for the money, that the lesson about investing vs. spending will have sunk in deeper). So, given the combination of •••

Reminder: Free Webinar Invitation: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur - Part 3

      Join us for a Webinar on April 23       This webinar is continuation of our series that covers key principles every aspiring entrepreneur needs to learn and that •••

The Secret to Selecting the Right Type of Business to Launch

I was recently asked the question: "What kinds of businesses are the best types of businesses for a family to start?"That question reveals some slightly-flawed thinking because even if one designed the ideal business and it scored extremely high on the Venture Analysis, that doesn't •••

NVL Incubated Company Wins Four National Awards

New Venture Lab is currently working with several startups led by NVL members. Our typical relationship might include co-founding a company and/or investing advice and/or capital in promising companies led by promising entrepreneurs in exchange for a revenue royalty or ownership interest. And •••

$3 Million Prize for the Best Analytics

From a story in the Wall Street Journal:Amid a larger effort to use medical data to improve health care, one company is trying something new: offering $3 million in prize money for the algorithm that can best predict when people are likely to be sent to the hospital.The algorithm contest, •••

Startup Failure Rates (Very Sobering)

Interesting data from Harvard Business School...Most companies fail. It's an unsettling fact for bright-eyed entrepreneurs, but old news to start-up veterans. But here's the good news: Experienced entrepreneurs know that running a company that eventually fails can actually help a career, but •••

Good Advice from a Christian Angel Investor

I recently became acquainted with Bill Murray, the man that leads Christian Angel Capital Network.  He told me that his initial due diligence on a potential investment always starts with four questions along these lines:Will your business idea honor God?Will your business idea •••

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Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.