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Business Plan Template

Do you have any recommendations on a template that I might follow when creating a business plan? •••

Finding a Business for Sale

What is the best way to search for and find businesses for sale? •••

Exploring Franchise Opportunities

What is the best way to explore different franchise opportunities? •••

Launching a New Venture

Should I launch into my new entrepreneurial idea right away even if it involves dropping a steady source of income?  Or what transitional steps should I consider? •••

Assembling a Team of Advisors

What is the best way to enlist a team of advisors to be my thought partners and to help me strategically guide my business? •••

Checklist for a Venture Capital Investment

Do you have a checklist of all the items or negotiated terms that I need to think about in terms of a venture capital investment? •••

Apprenticeships for Married Men

The NVL apprenticeships appear to be geared towards young unmarried men, would you ever consider offering an apprenticeship to a married man? •••

Giving Employees Equity or Ownership Value

When and how should I give equity or other incentives to my senior managers in order to retain them?  I'm considering giving them equity, but not sure how to do that. •••

When to Patent vs. When to License

I am a design engineer that has created what I believe to be a revolutionary design, but I know very little about patenting the design, raising venture capital, building production capacity and ramping up a company.  What advice would you offer someone like me? •••

Marketing Strategy for Land Development Services

I recently launched a company that provides services to local land developers and builders.  What kind of marketing or advertising do you recommend for me to build my business? •••

When to Release an Employee

How do you know when to let an employee go? •••

Low-Cost Office Options

What options are there for office space that will give my small company a professional image, but keep my costs low? •••

Growth Rates for Services Companies

I am planning on launching a services company, but not sure what I can realistically plan on for annual growth.  What advice would you give me for planning purposes? •••

Impact of Information Technology on Business

What kind of impact is Information Technology (IT) having on business and how can it enable me to work from home? •••

Feast or Famine on Sales

I find myself really struggling right now to maintain an even level of sales.  My work seems to come in chunks and by the time I'm finishing up, I have to jump back into sales mode and it always takes me a month or two to rebuild enough momentum to bring in more sales.  I'm not sure if •••

Hiring Interns

What are the ins and outs of hiring interns? For how long? For how much? What's expected? What can I expect? And caveats? •••

Discovering A Customer's Unmet Needs

I liked your answer on how to generate ideas for a new venture, but I would like to understand better how to discover a customer's unmet needs.  Can you please elaborate on that? •••

Recommended Accounting Method

What kind of accounting method do you recommend that I use for my business? •••

The Necessity of an Annual Budget

Do you recommend that I have an annual plan or budget for my business? •••

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Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.