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Creating a Logo

Can you offer any tips on how I go about creating a logo for my company? •••

Operations Focus

How should I think about focusing my efforts when building out my operations? •••

Skill Shortages

How do I compensate for personal weaknesses or skill shortages in a sole proprietor business venture? •••

Presentation Outline

Can you recommend an outline for me to develop a capital raising presentation? •••

Definition of Intellectual Property

What exactly is "intellectual property"? •••

Growing a One Product Company

How should I think about the strategic options to grow my one product company beyond my initial product? •••

Definition of Differentiation

What is meant by the term "differentiation"? •••

Investor Elevator Pitch

What is an "elevator pitch" and what do I need one for? •••

Customer Elevator Pitch

What is an "elevator pitch" and what do I need one for? •••

Investing in Public Stocks

I have $50,000 to invest and I am interested in investing in the stock market.  What would you recommend? •••

Tax Advantages of a Sole Proprietorship

What are the tax advantages of using the sole proprietorship structure for a family business? •••

Determining the Size of the Market

What is the best way to conduct market research into the size of my target market? •••

Sole Proprietorship Set-Up Checklist

What steps do I need to take to set up a sole proprietorship? •••

Industry Dynamics

What are the key considerations when researching and analyzing industry dynamics? •••

Automating a Business Process

What are key issues to consider when automating a business process? •••

Finding Good Technology Talent

Where do I find good technology talent to work on a website project? •••

Home-Based Business Insurance

Will the insurance policy for my home adequately cover my home-based business? •••

Worker's Compensation Insurance

What is Workers' Compensation Insurance? •••

Surety Bond

What is a surety bond? •••

Important Elements of a Sales Process

What are the important elements of my company's sales and marketing process that I should think about? •••

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Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.