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Questions on Preparation for Entrepreneurship from a 12 Year-Old

My name is Daniel and I would like to learn from you by asking you a few questions.  What do you think of bonds and mutual funds?  Are they a worthwhile investment?  My brother and I have a lawn business and I was wondering if you had a business when you were my age.  I was •••

How Do I Get Started On a Business Without Any Savings?

I feel the Lord leading me away from my 9-5 job to something more home-based. However, I'm currently living "paycheck to paycheck". I don't want to borrow any money to get started as I'm working on getting debt free and any extra money is going to this. Should I just wait it out, take on a second •••

What About Business Debt?

I believe that we should personally avoid debt as Christians due to the bondage and potential unequal yoking. However, is it okay to issue debt as a Christian to companies in the form of bank loans? I have been blessed in my current non-lending role at a bank and I now have the opportunity to move •••

Starting a Low-Cost Business with My Children

I would like to know how to begin a small business that I can do with my children, ages, 3 6 and 7.  My son is very interested in owning a company.  Is there something we could do with little or no start up fees? •••

I Need Accounting Assistance

I have a small business with a handful of employees and, although I am not ready for a full-time accountant, I know I need better reporting and control of the company.  Any recommendations for me? •••

Help! I Need Working Capital Right Now!

I am about to launch full-scale with a product at my industry’s largest trade show this weekend.  I do not have enough capital to finance the scale up and production likely required by the sales my product and booth at the trade show are likely to generate with nationwide distributors (I've •••

How to Hire Your First Employee

I run an early stage software startup and so far it is just me and a few part-time programmers, but I came across a great resume yesterday that a friend forwarded to me and I am wondering if I should hire this person or not as I think they could help the company a lot.  Any advice on •••

Help! I Keep Losing Money In My Business

I have a small owner/operator business where I offer five different services to my customer base: retail, rental, repair, onsite service work and storage.  It is very difficult to manage my business month-to-month because it seems like its feast or famine with more “famine” months •••

Hiring the Right Team for a Startup

I have a very early-stage software company and I am meeting with a venture capital investor and he will likely ask about my management team, which is not completely in place yet.  What kind of questions should I anticipate and how should I best present the team I have? •••

Looking for an Intern

I am an experienced entrepreneur that is looking to hire a tech-savvy intern that would like to help me launch a new venture.  Can you please help me find one?  •••

Need Advice on Buying a Retail Store

I am negotiating to buy a retail business and would like your advice.  I’ve listened to your “Before You Launch Your Business” presentation -- which was very good -- but I’d like some help thinking through buying this business.   The business is a boutique in an upscale part •••

Growth Strategy for a Veterinary Practice

When it comes to growth strategies, what advice do you give to medical professionals (I am a veterinarian) who tend to not only be the "CEO" but also the main revenue generator?   It seems that my business structure is more of a diamond shape, if you will, with myself being the top and •••

Venture Academy Pricing

There are a number of men at my church who are interested in taking a group of young men through your Venture Academy in Tennessee in September.  I see the price is variable.  What would the approximate cost be for students in the 16 to 17 year old range?  •••

Connecting with NVL Members

I have a service that I would like to alert NVL members about.  What is the best way to do that? •••

Making Opportunistic Decisions

Thanks for all you do! During the CMR case study discussion in Venture Academy DVD Training Series one of the points you had mentioned was making "strategic" rather than "opportunistic" business decisions.  Yesterday I heard something interesting along those lines, so I'll describe the •••

Trying to Create a New Brand of Personal Care Products

I have developed several formulations for natural personal care products from skin creams to toothpastes and balms, etc.  I have a relationship with one contract manufacturer that can produce some of the products and I’ve been working with two large consumer packaged goods companies in hopes •••

How to Buy an Email List

We are trying to grow our customer base and we would like to buy email lists.  Do you have any good sources that you recommend? •••

How to Choose An Attorney

I am looking for an attorney in my area.  Specialty does not matter.  Do you have any recommendations? •••

Ordering the Harvard Business School Cases for the Venture Academy

How do I order the Harvard Business School case studies that are taught in the Venture Academy DVD Training Series?  Also, how much do the cases cost?  •••

Looking for an Intellectual Property Attorney

I have some intellectual property that I'd like to copyright or patent.  Can you send me some names and numbers?  I'd like for them to be close, but if they're out of state I guess we could work by phone.  Thank you so much and thanks for creating this website! •••

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Additional resources offered by New Venture Lab:

- subscription-based HD video of our Christian entrepreneurship training course


Startup Financial Model Website

The Startup Financial Model a detailed, multi-sheet, completely integrated, easy-to-configure Excel-based business plan model for those who are planning or running a startup or small business and want an excellent financial model to enhance their business plan and capital-raising efforts. This companion site of ours includes step-by-step video instructions and customers choose what price they pay. 

Save thousands of dollars on legal fees by using our forms (organized by topic) and then only pay your attorney to review, rather than write an agreement from scratch.